A Life of its Own

IMG_6732 - CopyOne of the coolest parts of our journey so far is the support we have received by so many, starting with Montesano Calvary Chapel on April 18th. We shared at Harbor Calvary in Aberdeen the following Sunday, then Olympia Calvary the Sunday after that, concluding with Abundant Life on May 17th.  We have now shared our testimony at 4 churches and a handful of home groups from our sending church (Olympia Calvary). Each time we’ve shared what God is doing in our lives we’ve experienced an amazing and humbling time of ministry. It is inspiring and heart warming each time someone tells us how timely this message is in their life. In addition to this, many people have asked how they can get involved with our ministry and how they can partner financially.  We are blown away each time someone gives, and it is a constant reminder that this calling for our family to missions in Rosarito is much bigger than us and the message of Jesus Christ can be the only real motivating factor driving this ministry. Thank you Jesus for your provision and constant love.


We had our first care team meeting on May 16th (people who have dedicated themselves to a specific part of our Mexico ministry supporting us through prayer, finance, moral & communication support) and it was truly amazing. It was like being at a family reunion with family members we had not seen in a long time.  The thoughts, conversations, and ideas continued until midnight about how to get us to Rosarito and how to stay connected while we are in Rosarito. This is truly when our mission took on a life of its own. Like a surfer riding the front of a powerful wave, we are being propelled along toward the goal with the power of many people and lots of prayers. We are forever grateful for all those who are praying for us and have partnered in the ministry financially. It is because of Him we live and have our being.

Love and blessings

The Smith Family

To partner with us financially go to http://www.smithsinmexico.com

Prayer needs

  • For continued financial support
  • For safe travels on the way there and safe border crossing
  • For a house that will allow us to accommodate another family to stay with us for short term missions that is safe and in our budget

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